Returning Students

We’re excited to welcome our returning students back to campus for the 2024-25 academic year on Tuesday, August 27!
All students should be ready to present their digital check-in sticker and student ID as part of arrival. See information below about online check-in and arrival times.
Questions? Contact the Office of Residential Life,, 262-551-6169
Students must have all their online check-in tasks completed before arrival. All check-in tasks must be completed online through the check-in tab in Onboarding on Workday by Friday, July 26. Students who complete all check-in tasks will receive a virtual check-in sticker, which is required for arrival on campus.
To access the portal, go to Onboarding on Workday and enter your Carthage username and password.
Required Steps
Once you have successfully logged in to Workday, you can access the Check-In tab, which includes the five different check-in sections you must complete:
- Student Accounts
- Financial Aid
- Medical Information
- Registrar
- Student Affairs
- Parking Permit
As you complete each section, the portal will indicate your progress. If you need to make any changes after you finalize a section, please contact the Office of Admissions at 800-351-4058.
Once you have satisfied all the requirements, a certificate of completion will appear on your screen. Please print/save your certificate of completion and bring it when you arrive on campus in the fall.
All students are required to provide emergency contact information, health insurance information, medical history, and immunization history. Medical forms are available on Saturday, June 1, and must be submitted by Monday, July 15.
All medical forms can be completed online through Onboarding in the Medical Information section. Questions? Contact the Health and Counseling Center at 262-551-5710 or
Health Insurance Information
If you need treatment off campus while you are a Carthage student, your health insurance information will be released to the healthcare provider upon request. This information is also needed to submit claims to the College supplemental accident and sickness benefits.
- We strongly advise students to bring their health insurance cards to campus.
- If you are from out of state, please call your health insurance company and alert them that you will be out of state during the academic year. Many plans require the policyholder to sign up for “away from home” care.
Medical History Questionnaire
Accurate health information is essential to provide you with the best care possible. Students often forget past medical history, medication allergies, and routine medications when ill. This information is confidential and will not be released to anyone outside Carthage College without your permission, except as required by law, such as with court-ordered release or in reporting of certain communicable diseases to the Department of Health.
Online Meningococcal Meningitis / Hepatitis B Response
State law requires that all colleges and universities in Wisconsin annually inform students about the risks associated with meningococcal meningitis and hepatitis B, and the availability and effectiveness of vaccines against these diseases. State law also requires that students who live in residence halls affirm that they have received the required information. All incoming Carthage students were mailed this information in June. You will need to affirm that you received and read the information. Note: This form will not appear until students have turned 18 years old, so if you’re turning 18 this summer, you’ll need to complete the response form on or after your birthday.
Immunization History Form
All students submit their immunization history to Carthage before their first year. Returning students do not need to resubmit this information, but we ask that they review and update their records if needed. Download and print the Immunization History Form
Note: You must have your healthcare provider sign and stamp the form, or provide a copy of your vaccination record. Carthage requires a tetanus booster within the last 10 years, and two doses of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR). International students may also need tuberculosis testing. (Please contact the Health and Counseling Center regarding tuberculosis testing if you are an international student.) You can obtain your vaccination records from your healthcare professional or former high school. If you were vaccinated in Wisconsin, your vaccination history may be available on the Wisconsin Immunization Registry. Immunization dates must include month, day, and year.
Please make every effort to have your records sent to the College before class enrollment. It becomes increasingly difficult to track down records after you arrive on campus. If you are unable to obtain your vaccination record, you may need to be re-vaccinated or have an immunity profile completed. Please contact the Health and Counseling Center at 262-551-5710 as soon as possible to discuss your individual circumstance.
Parent / Legal Guardian Consent Form
You only need this form if you will be 17 or younger on the first day you arrive on campus. Download and print the consent form
All vehicles parked in Carthage lots are required to have a valid permit. Student parking permits for the 2024-25 academic year may be obtained via Workday Onboarding
Residential students
Annual resident student parking lot permits for the 2024-25 academic year are:
- 35th Street Lot — Full year $275 / Per semester $150 *
- 14th Avenue Lot — Full year $275 / Per semester $150 *
- Tennis Center Lot — Full year $700 / Per semester $375 *
- Apartment Lot (17th Street) — Full year $700 / Per semester $375
- Pike River Lot — Full year $1,100 / Per semester $600 *
- South Lower Lot — Full year $1,700/ $850 Per semester
* Transportation service between these lots and the campus will be provided by the Carthage Firebird Shuttle.
Commuter students
- South Lower Lot / North Lots 2 and 3 — Full year $400 / Per semester $225
- (New) Straz Service Drive — Full year $700 / Per semester $375
* A limited quantity of assigned (numbered) spaces are available behind Straz.
Permits will be distributed to students as they arrive on campus in the fall. Any permit not claimed by the first day of the academic term may be redistributed, and the registration voided with any payments made toward the permit purchase credited to the student’s account.
Students planning to participate in an internship, observation hours, or enroll in any program that will require them to maintain a vehicle on campus at any time during the next academic year are strongly encouraged to register for a parking permit in advance.
If you have any questions regarding parking permits, please send an email to
Returning residential students will move in on Tuesday, Aug. 27, and will arrive based on the last digit of their room number.
- 9-10 a.m. — Rooms ending in 0 and 5
- 10-11 a.m. — Rooms ending in 1 and 6
- 11 a.m.-noon — Rooms ending in 2 and 7
- Noon-1 p.m. — Rooms ending in 3 and 8
- 1-2 p.m. — Rooms ending in 4 and 9
*Residential students moving in with a vehicle larger than a passenger vehicle should arrive between 1:30 and 2:30 p.m.
Upon arrival, students should enter campus at the north entrance (at the stoplight) and park in the North Lots. Student check-in/arrival will be held in the A. W. Clausen Center for World Business. We ask that parents and family members wait in their vehicles while students complete the check-in/arrival process.
After checking in, residential students moving into Tarble, Denhart, Johnson, Tower, and Madrigrano will drive south on Campus Drive, where Public Safety will direct families to unloading spots. Students moving into the Oaks will exit campus at the north stop light, turn left (south,) and re-enter campus through the south lower lot entrance where Public Safety will direct you to the Oaks unloading line. After unloading their vehicle, students will need to move their cars to their permitted lots, and family members will need to move their cars to the South Lower Lot.
Please note:
- Trailers and moving trucks are not allowed to park on Campus Drive.
- Please consider bringing a dolly, cart, or wagon to assist you in moving items in and out of the facilities. Carthage does have carts and dollies available, but they are in limited supply.
- Campus Drive will be open to one-way, southbound traffic one hour before the start of arrival and one hour after arrival ends.
Returning commuter and off-campus students will complete check-in/arrival from 9 a.m. to noon. Wednesday, Aug. 28, on the third-floor lobby of Lentz Hall.